The Music Therapy Association of British Columbia (MTABC) welcomes your advertising!

Currently we offer space in our publication The Drumbeat. It is sent out quarterly to several hundred members in BC and across Canada, including Music Therapists, Management and others who support the profession.

Advertising appears in hard copy (black and white 8” x 11”) as well as in electronic copy (colour) via email to our members and archived on our website.

Advertisements can be submitted anytime throughout the year for single issue purchase or annually (4 issues/year). Rates and deadlines are below.

All advertisements must be print ready and in .jpeg format if possible. Design is available through MTABC for a $25 set-up fee. Advertisements are accepted in black and white (print issue) and color (electronic issue). Please Note: Photographs submitted will require confirmation of permission for use of photograph that must be submitted with the attached form.

Attention: Content must reflect the music therapy profession and related products, or other arts professions and related products, or other professional health services and related products. MTABC does not endorse any product, service or information contained in the advertising material. Advertisers will not use the MTABC name, logo, or likeness as endorsement of his/her product or service. MTABC reserves the right to refuse advertisement.

Non Member Single issue Annual (4 issues)
Business card $30 $90
1/4 page $40 $120
1/2 page $60 $180
Full page $95 $280
Member Single issue Annual (4 issues)
Business card $20 $60
1/4 page $25 $75
1/2 page $45 $150
Full page $75 $250


PLEASE NOTE: There is Setup available for a $25 fee, otherwise ads must be print ready.

DEADLINES: Winter Issue (March 1 release): January 31
Spring Issue (June 1 release): April 30
Summer Issue (September 1 release): July 31
Fall Issue (December 1 release): October 31

Click here to download the MTABC Advertising Form (PDF)

For further information about Sponsorship, please contact: [email protected] or call (604) 924.0046

Become a Member

Membership Is Open To Anyone With An Interest In Music Therapy Who Lives In BC Or Beyond, Regardless Of Qualifications Or Experience.

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