MTABC became the first chapter of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy in 1976 and later became a registered non-profit society in BC.
MTABC advocates for music therapists in matters related to standards and scope of practice, and promotes our wholistic profession with other health organizations, governmental agencies, unions and research groups.
In May of 1975 a group of dedicated individuals had a vision to form the roots of music therapy in British Columbia. The founding members were Nancy McMaster, Carolyn Kenny, Gillian Crosby, Harvey Crosby, David Kendall, Bob Poutt, and Judy Lazerson. Sheila McBenny (Secretary) and Jeff Bird (Solicitor) were not members per se, but helped to organize the Society.
In January of 1979 Carolyn Kenny retired as an officer of the Society. There was a drive to resurrect the Society again, as it had been somewhat dormant from 1976 to 1978. People involved at this time were Barb Beatty (President), Paul Bishop (Vice-President), Marg Penn (Treasurer), Jennie Soupier (Secretary), and Nancy McMaster (Executive member).
The Extempora Society passed a resolution in January 1981, to change its name to the Music Therapy Association of BC, but by April 21, 1981, it was found that the name could not be adopted. Two months later, on June 29, 1981, discussion ensued about becoming a Chapter of CAMT.
A letter of acceptance as a chapter from CAMT finalized this on July 21, 1982. On May 3, 1983, the rules and regulations were presented to the Board of CAMT and accepted.
In January 1992 the Association began to look towards developing its professional image even more. The idea of a phone line was suggested in order to for music therapists to be more accessible to the general public by having listings in the white and yellow pages of Greater Vancouver and beyond.
To achieve this, it was necessary to become incorporated under the Society’s Act. On December 7, 1992, Society status (S-29839) was obtained under the Society’s Act of British Columbia. The Music Therapy Association of British Columbia continues to be a supportive and active chapter of CAMT but with the necessary provincial status to effect changes locally.
In 1992, the board expanded the public relations portfolio of MTABC by creating a logo that was unique to MTABC. Carmen Lane, a local graphic artist, designed the logo, in consultation with a committee headed by Susan Summers.
The logo represents the relationship between the music therapist, his/her instrument, the action of making music, and the therapist’s ability to “hold” the client and the session. The logo implies the movement and flow that is created in the music therapy session by the act of making music in order to heal and grow.
Our latest logo was designed by eVision Media as a part of MTABC’s 2023 website redesign.
Membership Is Open To Anyone With An Interest In Music Therapy Who Lives In BC Or Beyond, Regardless Of Qualifications Or Experience.