Building on years of musical training, certified music therapists come to the profession from many different backgrounds and work in many different ways.
A certified music therapist is a graduate of a music therapy degree education program approved by the Canadian Association of Music Therapists.
Music therapy education includes extensive academic and experiential coursework, clinical experience, supervised practicums and a 1000 hour supervised internship.
Upon graduation, a music therapist attains the Certified Music Therapist (MTA) designation by meeting the requirements of CAMT’s certification process: passing the Certification Board of Music Therapists exam, being a member in good standing of CAMT, and signing a statement of adherence to the CAMT Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Certified music therapists (MTA)’s must meet annual continuing education requirements.
Above all, a certified music therapist is a person with strong musical talents and abilities, a dedication to the study of music and its functional adaptations for influencing changes in behaviour, and a commitment to supporting people in their lives.
Follow this link to find a certified music therapist in your area.
Since 2016, language related to the MTA credential has changed. More members of the public relate to and understand the word “certified” rather than “accredited”. CAMT uses the term “certified” to refer to MTAs and “MTA Certification” refers to the process of obtaining the MTA credential.
MTA is still the acronym for Music Therapist Accredited, but in making this change, CAMT is adapting language to help the public better understand this professional credential.
When using the MTA credential, please use it in the following formats only:
When discussing the MTA credential, the following are appropriate:
For those who are intern members of CAMT, please note that MTI is not a credential and should not be used. If you are an intern and feel the need to have a designation after your name, please use any educational designations you have been awarded followed by: Music therapy intern.
The following are not permitted – please refrain from using them:
MTA pending, MTA candidate, MTA (c), MTA (in progress), MTA (awaiting certification), or similar variations.
Using such variations may cause confusion for the public and diminishes the importance of achieving MTA status.
Membership Is Open To Anyone With An Interest In Music Therapy Who Lives In BC Or Beyond, Regardless Of Qualifications Or Experience.