The first annual Music Therapy Symposium held Saturday, June 6 as part of VISI featured twelve music therapists sharing “golden” interventions from their clinical work with children and youth. All who attended hailed it as a resounding success!
MTABC extends its thanks to all who participated that day and in particular, our deepest gratitude to Rena Sharon, Artistic Director of VISI, for her generous support of this symposium. Also thanks to VISI’s production manager, Kemuel Wong, and to Trevor Tablotney from Metrotownmedia for their generous contributions.
Download the 2009 presenter’s bios and topics here
Comments from participants at the 2009 Music therapy symposium
This is what we want ECCE Early (Early Childhood Education Students) to see….and Kindergarten and Grade One student teachers. This is Literacy…..the teaching of the early years. The students can see the importance of tying music into the curriculum. I’ll be taking this into my Grade One classroom.”
Grade one teacher, Lower Mainland school
I would like to congratulate the Symposium team for a job VERY well done! I noticed that it was a well-run event, organized, and relevant. I loved how there were members of the general public there too. Their enthusiasm about the work we do was such a joy to hear about after the event.
So again, excellent job team members! I too am looking forward to next year’s event.
Cristin Bostrom, MTA
Music therapist and presenter
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the day last Saturday. I thought the format was great – and there was enough information to whet our appetites without becoming too overdrawn time wise. Please pass on my congratulations to the team who put this on.
Marni Brechin, MTA