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Total Results {{memberData.length}}
First Name Last Name Credentials Membership Type Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Practice Address Personal Address City Province/State Country Postal Code Areas of Expertise Drumbeat Therapist Page Volunteer Student Observation Presenting for MTABC Location Practice Email User Email Clinical Population Age Group Order Date Payment Type Payments Sub. Created Date Sub End Date Edit User
{{d.first_name}} {{d.last_name}} {{d.credentials}} {{d.membershipType}} {{d.home_phone_per}} {{d.practice_phone}} {{d.cell_phone}} {{d.practice_name}} {{d.address_per}} {{d.city_per}} {{d.province_state_per}} {{d.countries_per}} {{d.postal_code_per}} {{d.areas_of_expertise}} {{d.drumbeat}} {{d.music_therapist_page}} {{d.mtabc_volunteer}} {{d.mt_student_observe}} {{d.willing_to_present_or_attend}} {{locations_s(d.location_tax)}} {{d.practice_email}} {{d.user_email}} {{populations_s(d.personal_population_tax)}} {{ageGroups_s(d.personal_age_group_tax)}} {{d.sub_orderDate}} {{d.sub_paymentType}} {{d.sub_prices}} {{d.sub_createdDate}} {{d.sub_subscriptionDate}} Edit