Continuing Education

Recorded Workshops

When possible, MTABC workshops are recorded and uploaded here for members to view in their own time. Accompanying documents that were available at the workshop will also be available here by download, and we suggest that you print the documents and refer to them during your viewing.

Although this is an MTABC continuing education workshop, MTABC issues CE certificates for those who attend in person. We will not be issuing CE certificates for anyone viewing the video, as we have no way of verifying a member’s participation. However, viewing these videos still can count for CE credit with CAMT by listing the activity, date and time on your CE form when you renew your membership.

CAMT CE credit information

If you encounter difficulties viewing these videos, please contact us immediately at: [email protected].

Please note that there is a 30-60 second delay before the video starts, and you will need appropriate software to view these workshops.

To see the complete list of workshops that have been offered since 2009, please click here: CE Workshop Archive

Past year’s workshops information and recorded videos:


Other Recorded Workshop Opportunities


Kathleen Rooney uses a combination of Special Education, Music Therapy and Sensory Integration gives her a thorough repertoire of techniques to motivate and educate children with autism and various developmental disabilities in an enjoyable and non-threatening fashion.
She has developed and implemented several programs for young children, teens, and young adults with special needs, as well as, presented to thousands of their parents and teachers over the past 24 years. Kathleen has over 20,000 hours of one-on-one private educational experiences with children with autism and various developmental disabilities and their parents. She has developed a program called Family Contribution/Family Pride for teens and young adults which teaches life skills which allow them to contribute to the chores in the home.

You can download her videos for CE credits. They are $40/each for a two hour workshop.

Introduction to Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice. This video approaches children with sensory processing differences through a neurodevelopmental model which uses a fair bit of music therapy. Many practical examples.

Fine Motor Development This video approaches fine motor difficulties by looking at the possible reasons why so many children are having fine motor difficulties. Then this video offers many many solutions which Music Therapy can be one of the alternatives to building core strength and coordination which leads to improved fine motor development.

These videos are located on her website: at the bottom of the services section. There will be others to come over the next few months: Classroom Body Breaks for Everyone, Family Contribution/ Family Pride (uploaded by mid May) and To Disclose or Not to Disclose a Diagnosis: That is the Question (uploaded by June).


“The information in these videos are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. MTABC is not responsible or liable for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information provided.”

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Membership Is Open To Anyone With An Interest In Music Therapy Who Lives In BC Or Beyond, Regardless Of Qualifications Or Experience.

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