Conference 2013

Moving the Profession Forward: Collaboration in Changing Times
Featuring Susan Summers
Conference Keynote Speaker

Susan Summers

6th Annual MTABC Conference
Moving the Profession Forward: Collaboration in Changing Times

Saturday, October 26, 2013
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Capilano University, Library Building 321 and 322

On October 26th, 2013 the conference committee was proud to host the 6th Annual MTABC Conference with attendance of 81 people including the speakers, guests, vendors, sponsors, committee members and the delegates, the largest registration in the MTABC conference history!

The conference was held at Capilano University who continue to support and sponsor the event by providing the location and other supplies including printing of the conference program and audio/visual, and musical equipment.

This year’s conference theme was “Moving the Profession Forward: Collaboration in Changing Times”. The day was filled with creative, inspirational, motivational, energetic and self-discovering presentations.

The day started with the Intuitive A Capella Choir leading us with a song “Java Jazz” to wake us all up.

The keynote speaker Susan Summers led us to discover the many hats we wear as music therapists through Dr. Seuss’s wisdom. Inspiring us to increase our awareness of untapped strengths, expand networking possibilities unique to us, and form new relationships within our community, and to find the “yourness” in all of us with her keynote speech. And the speech ended with Susan’s collaboration band with the fellow music therapists singing “Today I’m Gonna Try and Change the World”.

Gemma Isaac gave us engaging and dynamic speech about how she created her music therapy internship into a staff position through fundraising, networking and collaboration. It was a filled with valuable information to the future, new music therapists and the seasoned veterans.

Afternoon begun with more music with the Intuitive A Capella Choir leading all the participants. Julia Campbell spoke about the blog on MusicHeals website. Chris Brandt from MusicHeals, who is behind the Music Therapy Ride and the Bandwagon project, introduced their organization and their developing involvement with the MTABC with his presentation “Noise Making 101”.

Marni Brechin moderated a panel discussion with Martin Howard, Rob Gill and D. Louise Whitehead as they discussed their insight into their music therapy training and the career path beyond their training.

The day finished with all of the participants singing a song “Yes”.

We would like to thank everyone for your contribution to our exciting raffle sales which raised $445!

Thank you to our vendors, Music Therapy Suite, She.Lee. Music, and the exhibitor Liz Moffit for introducing us to great products and services.

Our gratitude to all the presenters, conference committee and board members, volunteers, delegates, sponsors and vendors who have contributed to this conference to make it huge a success!

See you in October 2014!

For further information, go to (Events/conference).

Mayumi Holbrook, MTA
MTABC Conference Chair
[email protected]

Click here for the conference program
Click here for Susan Summer’s Keynote PowerPoint

Watch the conference videos here! (Membership required)

Thank you Sponsors and Donors!

Capilanou University Roland Logo

MTS Empire Music

HSA Tom Lee Music

Long & McQuade Prussin

She Lee Music Music Therapy

JBM Music Therapy Nesters Market

Safeway Kevin Kirland

Rueben Gurr Liz Moffitt

Event Photos

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