Save the date! 2016 Conference November 4 – 5th, 2016.

9th Annual MTABC Conference will be held on Saturday, November 5th, 2016 with a Friday night workshop on the 4th. It is time to call for papers for presentations for the annual MTABC conference. If you’re interested in presenting at the conference about your clinical work, research or special therapy skills please submit your application

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New Continuing Education Opportunities and Videos!

Did you miss our past conference? Do you want to hear the presentation again? With the launch of our new website, we made the past conference videos from 2011 to 2013 available online. Open the Conference Archives pages and find the link “Watch Videos Here!” Or you can link to all the pages from here.

Learn More > from New Continuing Education Opportunities and Videos!

Glen Grigg

Meet Dr. Glen Grigg, Guest Speaker at AGM

All MTABC members are welcome to join us for our annual general meeting and presentation by Dr. Glen Grigg, chair of FACTBC. The AGM will begin at 1:30 pm, Saturday March 13 at Vancouver Maritime Museum and Dr. Grigg’s presentation is starting at 3:15 pm. Glen Grigg, Ph.D., R.C.C. ., is a therapist, teacher, and

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