Keynote Speaker Dr. Jane Edwards

Dr. Edwards

Keynote presenter: Dr. Jane Edwards is an international leader in music therapy. Her practice, theoretical, and research contributions can be found in research publications, books, and on web site contributions. Jane is Editor-in-Chief for The Arts in Psychotherapy. She is the President of the International Association for Music & Medicine She currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Music Therapy. She is a national committee member for UN Women, Australia. She is an non-executive director for a not-for-profit adult mental health service, Pathways, and for a hospital board in Footscray, Melbourne.

In 2016 The Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy edited by Jane Edwards was published by Oxford University Press Comprising 50 chapters written by some 70 authors and co-authors, the book marks the contemporary field of music therapy as an internationally established, multi-theoretical, and evidence based profession.

Through 2015 Jane was guest editor for the Journal of Music Therapy special issue on Arts Based Research. She also was co-guest editor for a special issue of Voices on Medical Ethnomusicology and Music Therapy

Currently Jane is Associate Professor of Mental Health at Deakin University in Melbourne Australia. She has responsibility for developing a suite of new postgraduate courses in mental health. Her first success has been in developing Australia’s first Master level training in Child Play Therapy offered by an Australian university, with first intake in 2015. Previously she has led and taught music therapy training courses in Australia (at the University of Queensland), and in Ireland (at the University of Limerick).

As an expert in qualitative methods for healthcare research, and as an experienced service developer and clinician Jane can provide inspiring and thought provoking talks and workshops to small groups, conference plenaries, and practitioner meetings on a wide range of topics.

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